La réforme sociale : inspiration, aspirations et réalisations
par Antoine Capet

l'évolution du regard porté sur les déshérités

- Crosby, Travis L. The Impact of Civilian Evacuation in the Second World War. Londres : Croom Helm, 1986.
- Field, Geofferey. "Perspectives on the working-class family in wartime Britain, 1939-1945". International Labor and Working-Class History, 38 (1990).
- Lelaidier, Veronica. "Evacuees and their Schooling : The Grass-roots Experience of Government Policy". La Société anglaise en guerre : 1939-1945. Sous la direction de Danièle Frison. Paris : Ellipses, 1996.
- Macnicol, John. "The effect of the evacuation of schoolchildren on official attitudes to State intervention". Harold Smith (Editor). War and Social Change - British Society in the Second World War. Manchester : University Press, 1986. [Propose un nouveau regard, révisionniste, sur les conséquences à long terme de l'évacuation.] [B°]
- Révauger, Jean-Paul. "La Pensée sociale de Titmuss". Jacques Carré & Jean-Paul Révauger (dir.). Ecrire la pauvreté : les enquêtes sociales britanniques aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Paris : L'Harmattan, 1995.
- Spensky, Martine. "L'Evacuation et ses répercussions". Londres 1939-1945. Sous la direction de François Poirier. Paris : Autrement, 1995.
- Spensky, Martine. "Le retour au foyer". Londres 1939-1945. Sous la direction de François Poirier. Paris : Autrement, 1995.

 vers une réduction du fossé entre les classes ?

Partir de l'article de François-Charles Mougel dans la présente revue et poursuivre avec :

- Denning, (Sir) Alfred (Lord Denning). Freedom under the Law. Londres, 1949. [Soutient la thèse de l'érosion de la "justice de classe" grâce notamment à la Guerre.]
- Fielding, Steven. "The Second World War and popular radicalism : the significance of the 'movement away from Party'. History, 80-1 (1995).
- Friedmann, W. Law and Social Change in Contemporary Britain. Londres, 1951. [Soutient la thèse de l'érosion de la "justice de classe" grâce notamment à la Guerre.]
- Marshall, T.H. Citizenship and Social Class. Cambridge : University Press, 1950.
- Marx, Roland. "La guerre et les fractures sociales : l'Angleterre de 1939 à 1945". Etudes anglaises, 49-4 (1996) : 454-465 [B°].
- Morgan, David & Evans, Mary. The Battle for Britain : Citizenship and Ideology in the Second World War. Londres, 1992.
- Mougel, François-Charles. Les Élites britanniques 1945-1979 : Essai sur la nature et l'organisation du système du pouvoir en Grande-Bretagne. Thèse de doctorat d'État. Paris IV Sorbonne, 1983. [B°]
- Pear, T.H. English Social Differences. Londres, 1955.
- Stone, Julius. The Province and Function of the Law. Londres, 1950. [Soutient la thèse de l'érosion de la "justice de classe" grâce notamment à la Guerre.]
- Summerfield, Penny. "The 'levelling of class' ". Harold Smith (Editor). War and Social Change - British Society in the Second World War. Manchester : University Press, 1986 [Traite surtout de la réduction supposée des écarts de revenus avec la petite bourgeoisie].
- Winter, J.(Editor). The Working Class in Modern British History. Cambridge : University Press, 1983.

le monde du travail

Après avoir consulté l'article de François Poirier dans la présente revue, on poursuivra avec :

- Beacham, A. "Efficiency and Organisation of the British Coal Industry". Economic Journal, juin-septembre 1945 :  206-216.
- Brown, H. Phelps. The Origins of Trade Union Power. Oxford : University Press,1983.
- Clegg, H.A. A History of British Trade Unions since 1889. Vol. III : 1934-1951. Oxford : University Press, 1994.
- Croucher, Richard. Engineers at War, 1939-1945. Londres : Merlin, 1982.
- Gowing, M.M. "The Organisation of manpower in Britain during the Second World War". Journal of Contemporary History, 7 (1972) : 147-167.
- Ince, (Sir) Godfrey. "The Mobilisisation of manpower in Great Britain for the Second World War". Manchester School, 14 (1946) : 17-52.
- Ince, (Sir) Godfrey. The Ministry of Labour and National Service. Londres : Allen & Unwin, 1960.
- Méheust, Michel. "Les relations du travail". La Société anglaise en guerre : 1939-1945. Sous la direction de Danièle Frison. Paris : Ellipses, 1996.
- Page Arnot, R. The Miners in Crisis and war. Londres, 1961.
- Roberts, B. " A mining town in wartime : the fears for the future". Llafur, 6-1 (1992).-Tiratsoo, N. & Tomlinson, J. Industrial Efficiency and State Intervention : Labour, 1939-1951. Londres, 1993.
- Taylor, Robert. "Industrial Relations - Regulation Against Voluntarism". Marquand, David & Seldon, Anthony. The Ideas That Shaped Post-War Britain. Londres : Fontana Original, 1996, 88-121.

l'évolution des mœurs et du statut des femmes

Partir de l'article de Claire Charlot dans la présente revue et poursuivre par :

- Allen, M.V. "The domestic ideal and the mobilization of womanpower in World War II". Women's Studies International Forum, 6-4 (1983) : 401-412.
- Bousquet, Ben & Douglas, Colin. West Indian Women at War. Londres, 1991.
- Braybon, G. & Summerfield, P. Out of the Cage : Women's Experiences in the Two World Wars. Londres : Pandora, 1987.
- Camus, Françoise. "La fin de la société victorienne ?". Revue française de civilisation britannique 9-1 (octobre 1996).
- Gaffin, Jean & Thoms, David. Caring and Sharing : The Centenary History of the Co-operative Women's Guild. Manchester : University Press, 1983.
- Graves, P. Labour Women : Women in Working-Class Politics, 1918-1939. Londres, 1994.
- Haste, Cate. Rules of Desire : Sex in Britain - World War I to the Present. Londres, 1992.
- Lewis, Jane. "Public institution and private relationship : marriage and marriage guidance, 1920-1968." Twentieth Century British History, 1-3 (1990).
- Pierce, Sylvie. "Single mothers and the concept of female dependency in the development of the Welfare State in Britain". Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 11-1 (1980).
- Riley, Denise. The War in the Nursery - Theories of the Child and Mother. Londres : Virago, 1983.
- Roberts, Elizabeth. Women and Families : An Oral History, 1940-1970. Oxford : University Press, 1995.
- Sheridan, Dorothy. "Ambivalent memories : women and the 1939-1945 war in Britain". Oral History, 18-1 (1990).
- Smith, Harold. "The problem of 'equal pay for equal work' in Great Britain during World War II". Journal of Modern History, 1981.
- Smith, Harold. "The womanpower problem in Britain during the Second World War". Historical Journal, 27-4 (1984).
- Smith, Harold. "The Effect of the War on the Status of Women". Harold Smith (Editor). War and Social Change - British Society in the Second World War. Manchester : University Press, 1986.
- Summerfield, Penny. "Women workers in the Second World War". Capital and Class, 1 (printemps 1977) : 27-42.
- Summerfield, Penny. "Women, War and Social Change : Women in Britain in World War II" [B°]. Marwick, Arthur (Editor). Total War and Social Change. Londres : Macmillan, 1988, 95-118.
- Summerfield, Penny. Women Workers in the Second World War: Production and Patriarchy in Conflict. Londres : Routledge, 1989.
- Summerfield, Penny. "Mass-Observation on women at work in the Second World War". Feminist Praxis, 1992.
- Summerfield, Penny. "The Patriarcal Discourse of Human Capital : Women's Work and Training in the Second World War". Journal of Gender Studies. Hull : University of Hull, II-3 (1993).
- Summerfield, Penny. "Approaches to women and social change in the Second World War". Brivati, Brian & Jones, Harriet. What Difference Did the War Make ?. Leicester : University Press, 1993, 63-79. [B°]
- Summerfield, Penny. "La forteresse sexiste assiégée". Londres 1939-1945. Sous la direction de François Poirier. Paris : Autrement, 1995.
- Verrill-Rhys, L. & Beddoe, D. Parachutes and Petticoats. Welsh Women Writing on the Second World War. Dinas Powys, 1992.

 le rapport Beveridge et l'idée de Welfare State

- Albertini, Pierre. "Le rapport Beveridge". La Société anglaise en guerre : 1939-1945. Sous la direction de Danièle Frison. Paris : Ellipses, 1996.
- Ashford, Douglas. The Emergence of the Welfare States. Oxford : Blackwell, 1986.
- Barker, Paul (Editor). Founders of the Welfare State. Londres : Heinemann, 1984.
- British Institute of Public Opinion (BIPO) : The Beveridge Report and the Public. Londres, s.d. (1942?).
- Bruce, Maurice. The Coming of the Welfare State. Londres : Batsford, 1961.
- Eckstein, Harry. The English Health Service. Harvard University press, 1958.
- Fox, Daniel M. "The National Health Service and the Second World War : the elaboration of consensus". Harold Smith (Editor). War and Social Change -British Society in the Second World War. Manchester : University Press, 1986.
- Fraser, Derek. The Evolution of the British Welfare State. Londres : Macmillan, 1973.
- Gregg, Pauline. The Welfare State. Londres : Harrap, 1967.
- Grey-Turner, Elston & Sutherland, F.M. History of the British Medical Association, 1932-1981. Londres : BMA, 1982.
- Harris, José. "Social Planning in Wartime : some aspects of the Beveridge Report". Winter, J.M. (Editor). War and Economic Development. Cambridge : University Press, 1975, 239-256.
- Harris, José. "Some aspects of social policy in Britain during the Second World War". W.J. Mommsen (Editor). The Emergence of the Welfare State in Britain and Germany. Londres : Croom Helm, 1981.
- Harris, José. "Did British workers want the Welfare State ? : G.D.H. Cole's Survey of 1942". Winter, J. (Editor). The Working Class in Modern British History. Cambridge : University Press, 1983.
- Harris, José. "Political ideas and the debate on the Welfare State". Harold Smith (Editor). War and Social Change - British Society in the Second World War. Manchester : University Press, 1986. [B°]
- Harris, José. "Enterprise and the Welfare State : a comparative perspective." Terry Gourvish & Alan 0'Day (Editors). Britain since 1945. Londres, 1991.
- Harris, José. " 'Contract' and 'Citizenship' ". Marquand, David & Seldon, Anthony. The Ideas That Shaped Post-War Britain.Londres : Fontana Original, 1996, 122-138.
- Hills, John (Editor). Beveridge and Social Security : An International Retrospective. Oxford : University Press, 1994.
- Honigsbaum, Frank. Health, Happiness and Security : The Creation of the National Health Service. Londres : Routledge, 1989.
- Jacobs, J. "December 1942 : Beveridge Observed - Mass-Observation and the Beveridge Report". Jacobs, J. Beveridge 1942-92. Brighton, 1992.
- Jefferys, Kevin. "British Politics and Social Policy during the Second World War". Historical Journal, 30 (1987).
- Klein, Rudolf. The Politics of the NHS. Londres : Longman, 1989.
- Lowe, Rodney. "The origins of the Welfare State in Britain". Modern History Review, 1-1 (septembre 1989).-Lowe, Rodney. The Welfare State in Britain since 1945. Londres : Macmillan, 1993. [B°]
- Marx, Roland. "Du Social Service State au Welfare State - genèse d'une mentalité, d'une idée, d'une pratique avant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale". Revue française de civilisation britannique, 1-4 (février 1982) : 5-20.
- Mowat, C.L. "The approach to the Welfare State in Britain". American Historical Review, 1953.
- Pater, J.E. The Making of the National Health Service. Londres, 1981.
- Pierson, Chris. "Social Policy". Marquand, David & Seldon, Anthony. The Ideas That Shaped Post-War Britain. Londres : Fontana Original, 1996, 139-164.
- Shepherd, Andrée. "Le rapport Beveridge de 1942 : Social Insurance and Allied Services." Jacques Carré & Jean-Paul Révauger (dir.). Ecrire la pauvreté : les enquêtes sociales britanniques aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Paris : L'Harmattan, 1995.
- Sibley, Richard. "Le 'National Health Service', produit du travaillisme ?". Revue française de civilisation britannique, 1-4 (février 1982).
- Thane, P. The Foundations of the Welfare State. Londres, 1982.
- Timmins, Nicholas. The Five Giants - A Biography of the Welfare State. Londres : HarperCollins, 1995. [B°]
- Titmuss, Richard. Essays on the 'Welfare State'. Londres : Allen & Unwin, 1958.
- Webster, Charles. "Origins of the NHS : Lessons from history". Contemporary Record, 2-2 (été 1988) : 33-36. -Webster, Charles. "Conflict and consensus : explaining the British health service". Twentieth Century British History, 1-1 (1991) : 115-151. [Webster est l'"historien officiel" du NHS . Cf. Problems of Health Care : The British National Health Service before 1957. Londres : HMSO, 1988.]
- Willocks, A.J. The Creation of the National Health Service. Londres : Routledge, 1967.

le plein emploi

- Beck, G.M. Survey of British Employment and Unemployment 1927-1945. Oxford : University Institute of statistics, 1951.
- Glynn, Sean & Booth, Alan (Editors). The Road to Full Employment. Londres, 1987.
- Lowe, Rodney. "Labour Policy". S.Glynn & A. Booth (Editors). The Road to Full Employment. Londres, 1987.
- MacLeod, Rory. "The promise of full employment". Harold Smith (Editor). War and Social Change - British Society in the Second World War. Manchester : University Press, 1986, 78-100.
- Matthews, R.C.O. "Why Britain has had Full Employment since the War". Economic Journal, LXVII (1968).
- Peden, G.C. "Sir Richard Hopkins and the 'Keynesian Revolution' in employment policy, 1929-1945". Economic History Review, XXXVI, 2 (1983) : 281-296.
- Tomlinson, J. Employment Policy : The Crucial Years 1939-1955. Oxford : University Press, 1987.

la réforme de l'enseignement

Partir de l'article le plus récent de Michel Lemosse sur la question :

- Lemosse, Michel. "Guerre et réforme scolaire : la genèse de la loi Butler (1940-1944). Revue française de civilisation britannique 9-1 (octobre 1996) : 127-142.

Le "classique" reste :

- Gosden, Peter H.J.H. Education in the Second World War, a Study in Policy and Administration. Londres : Methuen, 1976.[B°]

 Compléter par :

- Benn, C. "Comprehensive School Reform and the 1945 Labour Government". History Workshop, 10 (1980) : 197-204.
- Dean, D.W. "Problems of the Conservative sub-committee on education, 1941-45". Journal of Educational Administration and History, III-1 (1970) : 26-35.
- Dent, H.C. Education in Transition - A Sociological Survey of the Impact of War on English Education, 1939-1943. Londres : Kegan Paul, 1944.
- Dent, H.C. The Education Act, 1944. Londres : University of London Press, 1944.
- Gosden, Peter H.J.H. The Education System since 1944. Londres : Martin Robertson, 1983.
- Jefferys, Kevin. "R.A. Butler, the Board of Education and the 1944 Education Act". History, 69-227 (octobre 1984) : 415-431. [B°]
- Leruez, Marie-Danielle. "La loi Butler, contexte et apports". Revue française de civilisation britannique, 1-4 (février 1982) : 21-26.
- Lowe, Roy (Editor). Education and the Second World War : Studies in Schooling and Social Change. Londres : Falmer, 1992.
- Middleton, N. "Lord Butler and the Education Act of 1944". British Journal of Educational Studies, XX-2 (1972).
- Parkinson, M. The Labour Party and the Organisation of Secondary Education 1918-1965. Londres : Routledge, 1970.
- Simon, Brian. "The 1944 Education Act : a Conservative measure ? History of Education, 15 (1986).
- Simon, Brian. Education and the Social Order 1940-1990. Londres, 1991.
- Thom, Deborah. "The 1944 Education Act : the 'art of the possible' ?". Harold Smith (Editor). War and Social Change - British Society in the Second World War. Manchester : University Press, 1986, 101-128.
- Wallace, R.G. "The origins and authorship of the 1944 Education Act". History of Education, X-4(1981) : 283-90.

démographie, contraception et allocations familiales

 - Field, G. "Perspectives on the working-class family in wartime Britain, 1939-45". International Labor and Working Class History, 38 (1990).
- Land, Hilary. "The introduction of Family Allowances, an act of historic justice ?". Hall, Phoebe (Editor). Change, Choice and Conflict in Social Policy. Londres, 1975.
-Leathard, Audrey. The Fight for Family Planning : The Development of Family Planning Services in Britain, 1921-1974. Londres : Macmillan, 1980.
- Macnicol, John. "Family Allowances and Less Eligibility". Thane, Pat (Editor). The Origins of Social Policy. Londres, 1978.
-Macnicol, John. The Movement for Family Allowances 1918-1945 : A Study in Social Policy Development. Londres : Heinemann, 1980. [B°]
-Oakley, Ann. The Captured Womb : A History of the Medical Care of Pregnant Women. Oxford : University Press, 1984.
-Pedersen, Susan. Family, Dependence and the Origins of the Welfare State in Britain and France, 1914-1945. Cambridge : University Press, 1993
-Peel, J. "The Manufacture and Retailing of Contraceptives in England". Population Studies, XVII.
-Pylipiw, Eliane. "La protection maternelle et infantile du plan Beveridge à sa mise en place". Revue française de civilisation britannique, 1-4 (février 1982) : 37-49.
-Riley, D. " 'The free mothers' : pronatalism and working women in industry at the end of the last war in Britain". History Workshop Journal, 11 (printemps 1981).
-Thane, Pat. "The debate on the declining birthrate in Britain : the 'menace' of an ageing population, 1920s-1950s". Continuity and Change, 5 (1990).
-Winter, Jay M. "Unemployment, nutrition and infant mortality in Britain, 1920-1950". Jay M. Winter (Editor). The Working Class in Modern British History. Cambridge : University Press, 1983.
-Winter, Jay M. "The demographic consequences of the war". Harold Smith (Editor). War and Social Change - British Society in the Second World War. Manchester : University Press, 1986, 151-178.
-Winter, Jay M. "War, family and fertility in twentieth-century Europe". John R. Gillis, Louise A. Tilly & David Levine (Editors). The European Experience of Declining Fertility : A Quiet Revolution 1850-1970. Oxford : University Press, 1992.

la reconstruction au sens propre : logement et plans d'urbanisme

-anon. London Replanned. Royal Academy Planning Committee Interim Report. Londres : Country Life, 1943.
-Abercrombie, Patrick. Greater London Plan 1944. Londres : HMSO, 1945.
- Ashworth, W. The Genesis of Modern British Town Planning. Londres, 1954.
-Carré, Jacques. "Des visionnaires réalistes ? - Le plan de 1943". Londres 1939-1945. Sous la direction de François Poirier. Paris : Autrement, 1995.
-Curcuru, Monique. "Logement et urbanisme à Londres pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale". La Société anglaise en guerre : 1939-1945. Sous la direction de Danièle Frison. Paris : Ellipses, 1996.
-Donnison, D.V. Housing Policy since the War. Londres : Codicote Press, 1960.
-Forshaw, J.H. & Abercrombie, Patrick. County of London Plan. Londres : Macmillan, 1943.
-Hasegawa, Junichi. Replanning the Blitzed City Centre : A Comparative Study of Bristol, Coventry and Southampton, 1941-1950. Buckingham, 1992.
-Humphries, Steve & Taylor, John. The Making of Modern London, 1945-1985. Londres : Sidgwick & Jackson, 1986.
-Meynell, (Dame) Alix. "Location of Industry". Public Administration, 37 (1959).
-Osborn, F.J. New Towns After The War. Londres, 1963.
-Pick, F. Britain Must Rebuild. Londres, 1941.
-Purdom, C.B. How We Should Rebuild London. Londres : Dent, 1945.
-Tiratsoo, N. "The Reconstruction of blitzed British cities, 1940-1955 : a general introduction". J.Hasegawa (Editor). The Reconstruction of British and Japanese Cities. Tokyo, 1995.
-Towndrow, F.E. (Editor). Replanning Britain. Londres, 1941.

dernière mise à jour 06/12/01

introduction Sources primaire
La Grande-Bretagne en guerre table des matières