La marche vers la guerre
par Antoine Capet

Là encore, partir de l'autorité incontestée sur la question, qui propose une excellente bibliographie, malheureusement pas remise à jour au delà de 1968:

-Mowat, Charles Loch. Britain Between the Wars 1918-1940. Londres : Methuen, 1955 [nombreuses rééditions brochées jusqu'à nos jours, actuellement chez Routledge].


Généralités sur la marche vers la guerre


 - Adamthwaite, Anthony P. The Making of the Second World War. Londres : Allen & Unwin, 1977. [Se double d'un intéressant recueil de documents et possède une bibliographie de tout premier ordre, malheureusement arrêtée aux années 1970.]
- Aster, Sidney. 1939 : The Making of the Second World War. Londres, 1973.
- Bell, P.M.H. The Origins of the Second World War in Europe. Londres : Longman, 1986.
- Branson, Noreen & Heinemann, Margot. Britain in the Nineteen Thirties. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1971.
- Caffrey, Kate. 1937-1939 : Last Look Round. Londres : Gordon & Cremoussi, 1978.
- Calvocoressi, P. , Wint, G. & Pritchard, J. Total War : The Causes and Courses of the Second World War. Londres : Allen Lane, 1972.
- Goldston. The Road between the Wars, 1918-1941. New York : Fawcett Cresta, 1978.
- Graves, Robert & Hodges, Alan. The Long Week-End. Londres : Faber, 1940. [Un "classique". Nombreuses rééditions brochées chez Penguin.]
- Hayes, Paul. Modern British Foreign Policy : The Twentieth Century, 1880-1939. Londres, 1978. [Ouvrage désormais "classique"][B°].
- Henig, Ruth. The Origins of the Second World War, 1933-1939. Londres : Routledge, 1985.
- Louis, W. Roger (Editor). The Origins of the Second World War : A.J.P. Taylor and His Critics. New York, 1972 [Recueil d'articles inspirés par l'ouvrage de Taylor répertorié ci-dessous].-Mallia-Milanes, V. The Origins of the Second World War. Londres, 1987.
- Martel, Gordon. The Origins of the Second World War Reconsidered : The A.J.P.Taylor Debate after Twenty-five Years. Londres : Routledge, 1986. [Même démarche que celle de Louis répertorié supra.]
- Marx, Roland. La Grande-Bretagne et le monde au XXe siècle.[chapitres 5-10.] Paris : Masson, 1986.-Medlicott, W.N. The Coming of War in 1939. Londres, 1963.
- Overy, Richard & Wheatcroft, A. The Road To War. Londres : Macmillan, 1989.
- Muggeridge, Malcolm. The Thirties. Londres : Hamish Hamilton, 1940.
- Robertson, Esmonde M. (Editor). The Origins of the Second World War : Historical Interpretations. Londres, 1971.
- Stevenson, John & Cook, Chris. The Slump : Society and Politics during the Depression. Londres : Cape, 1977. [B°]
- Taylor, A.J.P. The Origins of the Second World War. Londres, 1961.

 La politique étrangère vue par ses contemporains


- Chamberlain, Neville. In Search of Peace. Londres, 1939.
- Halifax (The Earl of). Speeches on Foreign Policy. Londres, 1940.
- Lloyd George, David. The Truth about the Peace Treaties. Londres, 1938.
- Medlicott, W.N. British Foreign Policy since Versailles 1919-1939. Londres, 1940.
- Mosley, (Sir) Oswald. The Greater Britain. Londres, 1932.
- Seton-Watson, R.W. Britain and the Dictators. Londres, 1938.[Il va de soi que cette rubrique inclut The Gathering Storm de Churchill]




- Aulach, H. "Britain and the Sudeten Issue 1938". Journal of Contemporary History, 18 (1983).
- Benes, Edvard. From Munich to New War and New Victory. Londres, 1954.
- Cornwall, Mark. "The rise and fall of a 'special relationship' ? : Britain and Czechoslovakia, 1930-1948". Brivati, Brian & Jones, Harriet. What Difference Did the War Make ?. Leicester : University Press, 1993, 130-150.
- Douglas, Roy. In the Year of Munich. Londres, 1977.
- Gilbert, Martin. "Horace Wilson, man of Munich ?" History Today 32 (octobre 1982).
- Namier, L.B. Europe in Decay : The Road to Munich. Londres, 1950.
- Kee, Robert. Munich : The Eleventh Hour. Londres, 1988.
- Lammers, Donald. "From Whitehall after Munich : The Foreign Office and the future course of British policy". Historical Journal, 16-4 (1973).
- Parkinson, Roger. Peace For Our Time - Munich to Dunkirk. Londres : R. Hart-Davis, 1971.
- Robbins, Keith. Munich. Londres, 1968.
- Schroeder, P.W. "Munich and the British tradition". Historical Journal 19-1 (1976).
- Taylor, T. Munich : The Price of Peace. Londres, 1979.
- Vaiss, Paul. "De l'esprit de Munich à l'esprit de Dunkerque". La Société anglaise en guerre : 1939-1945. Sous la direction de Danièle Frison. Paris : Ellipses, 1996.-Wheeler-Bennett, J.W. Munich : Prologue to Tragedy. Londres : Macmillan, 1948.

Fascistes et pro-nazis


- Anderson, G. Fascists, Communists and the National Government. Londres, 1983.
- Benewick, R. The Fascist Movement in Britain. Londres, 1972.
- Brewer, J. Mosley's Men. Londres, 1984.
- Cowling, Maurice. The Impact of Hitler : British Politics and British Policy 1933-1940. Londres, 1975.
- Cross, Colin. The Fascists in Britain. Londres, 1961.
- Cullen, S. "The development of the ideas and policy of the British Union of Fascists, 1932-1940". Journal of Contemporay History, 1987.
- Griffiths, Richard. Fellow Travellers of the Right : British Enthusiasts for Nazi Germany, 1933-1939. Londres : Constable, 1980.
- Lewis, D.S. Illusions of Grandeur : Mosley, Fascism and British Society, 1931-1981. Manchester : University Press, 1987.
- Lunn, K. & Thurlow, R. (Editors). British Fascism. Londres, 1980.
- Thurlow, R. Fascism in Britain : A History, 1918-1985 . Londres, 1987 [B°].
- Thurlow, R. "The failure of British Fascism, 1932-1940". Thorpe, Andrew (Editor). The Failure of Political Extremism in Inter-War Britain. Londres : 1989.
- Webber, G. "Patterns of membership and support for the British Union of Fascists". Journal of Contemporary History, 1984.
- Webber, G. The Ideology of the British Right, 1918-1939. Londres, 1986 [examine la thèse opposée à celle de N. Thompson - voir ci-après : 7) ].

La guerre d'Espagne et la connivence avec Franco


[En complément des témoignages de Koestler, d'Orwell et de la duchesse d'Atholl :]

- Blinkhorn , Martin. Democracy and Civil War in Spain, 1931-1939. Londres : Routledge, 1988.
- Bolloten, Burnett. "The parties of the Left and the Civil War". Raymond Carr (Editor). The Republic and the Civil War in Spain. Londres : Macmillan, 1971.
- Cunningham, V. (Editor). Spanish Front : Writers on the Civil War. Oxford : University Press, 1986.
- Edwards, Jill. The British Government and the Spanish Civil War. Londres : Macmillan, 1979.
- Flint, J. " 'Must God go fascist ?' : English Catholic opinion and the Spanish Civil War". Church History, 1987.
- Greene, T.R. "The English Catholic Press and the Second Spanish Republic, 1931-1936". Church History, 1976.
- Hubbard, J.R. "How Franco Financed his War". Journal of Modern History (décembre 1953).
- Puzzo, Dante. Spain and the Great Powers, 1936-1941. Londres, 1962.
- Smyth, Denis. Diplomacy and Strategy of Survival : British Policy and Franco's Spain 1940-41. Cambridge, 1986.
- Thomas, Hugh. The Spanish Civil War. Londres : Hamish Hamilton, 1961.
- Watkins, K.W. Britain Divided : The Effect of the Spanish Civil War on British Political Opinion. Edimbourg, 1963.
- Weintraub, Stanley. The Last Great Cause : The Intellectuals and the Spanish Civil War. Londres : W.H. Allen, 1968.

[Importante bibliographie sur la position des intellectuels dans les notes de Sayre, Robert. "Guerre d'Espagne et politique chez les intellectuels de gauche européens : le témoignage exemplaire d'Orwell". Gilbert Bonifas (Direction). Autour d'Orwell - Cycnos 11-2 (1994) : Université de Nice.]

Le pacifisme


- Bialer, S. (Editor). The Shadow of the Bomber : The Fear of Air Attack and British Politics 1932-39. Londres : Royal Historical society, 1980.
- Birn, D.S. The League of Nations Union 1918-1945. Oxford : University Press, 1981.
-Burridge, T.D. British Labour and Hitler's War. Londres, 1976.
- Caedel, M. "Interpreting East Fulham". Cook, C.P. & Ramsden, J (Editors). By-Elections in British Politics. Londres, 1973.
- Caedel, M. Pacifism in Britain 1914-1945 : The Defining of a Faith. Oxford : University Press, 1980 [B°].
- Caedel, M. "The First British Referendum : the Peace Ballot, 1934-1935". English Historical Review (1980).
- Caedel, M. "Christian pacifism in the era of the two World Wars". Studies in Church History, 1983.
- Caedel, M. "The first Communist peace society : the British anti-war movement 1932-1935". Twentieth Century British History (1990).
- Heller, R. "East Fulham Revisited". Journal of Contemporary History (1971).
- Livingstone, (Dame) Adelaide. The Peace Ballot : The Official History. Londres : Gollancz, 1935.
- Pimlott, Ben. Labour and the Left in the 1930s. Cambridge : University Press, 1977.
- Pugh, M. "Pacifism and politics in Britain 1931-1935". Historical Journal (1980).
- Stannage, T. "The East Fulham by-election of 25 October 1933". Historical Journal (1971).

Etudes générales sur l'apaisement


Il semble que le meilleur point de départ, y compris du point de vue bibliographique, reste :

- Watt, D.C. Personalities and Politics : Studies in the Formulation of British Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century. Londres, 1965.

Autres grandes analyses [presque toutes possèdent d'importantes bibliographies]:

- Charmley, John. Chamberlain and the Lost Peace. Londres, 1989.
- Cline, C.A. "Ecumenism and appeasement : the bishops of the Church of England and the Treaty of Versailles". Journal of Modern History, 1989.
- Cockett, R.B. Twilight of Truth : Chamberlain, Appeasement and the Manipulation of the Press. Londres, 1989.
- Colvin, Ian. The Chamberlain Cabinet : How the meetings in 10 Downing Street, 1937-1939, led to the Second World War. Londres : Gollancz, 1965.
-Dilks, David. "Appeasement Revisited". University of Leeds Review 15 (1972) 28-56.-Fuchser, L.W. Neville Chamberlain and Appeasement. Londres : Norton, 1992.
- Furnia, Arthur H. The Diplomacy of Appeasement : Anglo-French Relations and the Prelude to World War II, 1931-1938. Washington, 1960.
- Gilbert, Martin. Britain and Germany between the Wars. Londres : Longman, 1964.
- Gilbert, Martin. The Roots of Appeasement. Londres, 1966.
- Gilbert, M. & Gott, R. The Appeasers. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1963.
- Harris, J.P. "The British General Staff and the coming of war, 1933-1939". Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research (1986).
- Kennedy, P.M. "Appeasement and British defence policy in the inter-war years". British Journal of International Studies (1978).
- Lentin, A. Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson and the Guilt of Germany : An Essay in the Pre-History of Appeasement. Leicester: University Press, 1984.
- Meehan, Patricia. The Unnecessary War - Whitehall and the German Resistance to Hitler. Londres : Sinclair-Stevenson, 1992.
- Middlemas, R.F. Diplomacy of Illusion : the British Government and Germany, 1937-1939. Londres, 1972.
- Mommsen, W.J. & Kettenacker, L. (Editors). The Fascist Challenge and the Policy of Appeasement. Londres : Allen & Unwin, 1983.
- Namier, L.B. Diplomatic Prelude 1938-1939. Londres, 1947.
- Newman, Simon. March 1939 : The British Guarantee to Poland - A Study in the Continuity of British Foreign Policy. Oxford, 1976.
- Northedge, F.S. The Troubled Giant : Britain among the Great Powers 1916-1939. Londres : Macmillan, 1966.
- Robbins, K. Appeasement. Londres, 1988.
- Rock, William M. British Appeasement in the 1930s . Londres : Arnold, 1976.
-Thompson, N. The Anti-Appeasers : Conservative Opposition to Appeasement in the 1930s. Londres, 1971.
-Watt, Donald Cameron. "Appeasement : The Rise of a Revisionist School ?". The Political Quarterly, 36 (1965), 191-213.
-Watt, Donald Cameron. How War Came - The Immediate Origins of the Second World War 1938-39. Londres : Mandarin, 1989.

Guns or Butter : Le dilemme du réarmement


Compléter le monumental ouvrage de M.M. Postan déjà indiqué par :

 - Bond, B. British Military Policy between the two World Wars. Oxford : University Press, 1980.
- Coghlan, F. "Armaments, Economic Policy and Appeasement". History, 57 (1972), 205-216.
- Dunbabin, J.P.D. "British Rearmament in the 1930s : a Chronology and a Review". Historical Journal, 18-3 (1975), 587-609.
- Gibbs, N.H. Grand Strategy. Vol.1 : Rearmament Policy. Londres : 1975.
- Howard, M.E. The Continental Commitment : the Dilemma of British Defence in the Era of the two World Wars. Londres, 1972.
- Lockhart, R.H. Bruce. Guns or Butter. Londres : Putnam, 1938.
- Parker, R.A.C. "Economics, Rearmament and Foreign Policy : The United Kingdom before 1939 - A Preliminary Study". Journal of Contemporary History, 10-4 (1975), 637-47.
- Parker, R.A.C. "British Rearmament 1936-39 : Treasury, Trade Unions and Skilled Labour". English Historical Review, 96 (1981), 306-43.
- Parker, R.A.C. "The Pound sterling, the American Treasury and British preparations for war, 1938-1939". English Historical Review (1983).
- Peden, G.C. "Sir Warren Fisher and British Rearmament against Germany". English Historical Review, 94 (1979), 29-47.
- Peden, G.C. British Rearmament and the Treasury 1932-39. Edimbourg : Scottish Academic Press, 1979.
- Peden, G.C. "A matter of timing : the economic background to British foreign policy 1938-1939". History, 1984.
- Schmidt, G. The Politics and Economics of Appeasement. Londres, 1986.
- Shay, Robert Paul. British Rearmament in the Thirties : Politics and Profits. Princeton : University Press, 1977.
- Thomas, M. "Rearmament and economic recovery in the late 1930s". Economic History Review, 1983.

dernière mise à jour 14/02/04

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La Grande-Bretagne en guerre table des matières