Entretiens avec des journalistes, correspondance et carnets
par Antoine Capet

- [Bryant, Arthur.] Triumph in the West, 1943-46 : The War Diaries of Field Marshall Viscount Alanbrooke. Londres : Collins, 1959.
- Amery, Leo. The Empire at Bay : The Leo Amery Diaries 1929-1955 edited by J. Barnes & D. Nicolson. . Londres : Hutchinson, 1988.
- Attlee, Clement. A Prime Minister Remembers - Conversations with Francis Williams. Londres, 1961.
- Attlee, Clement. The Granada Historical Records Interviews. Manchester : Granada, 1965.
- [Winstone, Ruth]. Tony Benn, Years of Hope : Diaries, Letters and Papers, 1940-1962. Londres : Hutchinson, 1994.- [Cockett, R.] My Dear Max : The Letters of Brendan Bracken to Lord Beaverbrook, 1925-1958. Londres, 1990.
- Cadogan, (Sir) Alexander. The Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan edited by David Dilks. Londres : Cassell, 1971.
- Channon, Henry. Chips : The Diary of Sir Henry Channon edited by R. Rhodes James. Londres, 1967.
- [Loewenheim, Francis L., Langley, Harold D. & Jones, Manfred (Editors)]. Roosevelt and Churchill : Their Secret Wartime Correspondence. New York, 1975.
- [Kimball, W.]. Churchill and Roosevelt : The Complete Correspondence. 3 vol. Princeton, 1984.
- Colville, John. The Fringes of Power : Downing Street Diaries 1939-1945. Londres : Hodder & Stoughton, 1985.
- [Payn, Graham & Morley, Sheridan]. The Noël Coward Diaries. Londres : Weidenfeild & Nicolson, 1982.
- [A.J.P. Taylor]. W.P. Crozier : Off the Record - Political Interviews 1933-1943. Londres, 1973.
- Dalton, Hugh. The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton 1918-1940 & 1945-1960 edited by Ben Pimlott. Londres : Macmillan, 1986.
- Dalton, Hugh. The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton 1940-1945 edited by Ben Pimlott. Londres : Cape, 1986.
- [Lord Eccles.] By Safe Hand : Letters of Sybil & David Eccles 1939-1942. Londres, 1983.
- [Kevin Jefferys.] Labour and the Wartime Coalition : from the Diary of James Chuter Ede. Londres, 1987.
- [S. Ball]. Parliament and Politics in the Age of Churchill and Attlee : The Headlam Diaries 1934-1951. Londres, 1995.
- [Minney, R.J.]. The Private Papers of Hore-Belisha. Londres, 1960.
- [Macleod, R. & Kelly, D.] The Ironside Diaries, 1937-1940. Londres, 1962.
- Jones, Thomas. A Diary with Letters, 1931-1950. Oxford : University Press, 1954.
-[Taylor, A.J.P.] Lloyd George : A Diary by Frances Stevenson. Londres, 1971.
- [Taylor, A.J.P.] My Darling Pussy - The Letters of Lloyd George and Frances Stevenson 1913-1941. Londres, 1975.
- Macmillan, Harold. War Diaries. Londres : Macmillan, 1984.
- Martin, (Sir) John. Downing Street : The War Years. Londres, 1991.
- Martin, Kingsley. Critic's London Diary. Londres : Secker & Warburg, 1960.
- Muggeridge, Malcolm. Chronicles of Wasted Time. Londres : Collins, 1973.
- [Bright-Holmes, John]. Like It Was : A Selection from the Diaries of Malcolm Muggeridge. Londres : Collins, 1981.
- Nicolson, Harold. Diaries and Letters edited by Nigel Nicolson. Vol.2 : 1939-1945. Londres : Collins, 1967.
- Orwell, George. The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters edited by Ian Angus & Sonia Orwell. Vol. 2 & 3. Londres : Secker & Warburg, 1968.
- Reith, John C.W. (Lord Reith). The Reith Diaries edited by Charles Stuart. Londres : Collins, 1975.
- Salter, A. Slave of the Lamp - A Public Servant's Notebooks. Londres, 1967.
- Webb, Beatrice. Beatrice Webb's Diaries edited by Margaret Cole. 2 vol. Londres, 1952-56.
- [Mackenzie, Norman] The Letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb. Vol.III. Cambridge : University Press, 1978.

[Pour les "gens ordinaires", partir de l'article et de la bibliographie de Norma Denny. "Who's War Was It Anyway ? : Letters and Diaries of Ordinary British People, 1939-1945". La Société anglaise en guerre : 1939-1945. Sous la direction de Danièle Frison. Paris : Ellipses, 1996.]

dernière mise à jour 14/02/04

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