De la défensive à l'offensive victorieuse

par Antoine Capet


Partir du plus récent des ouvrages fondamentaux sur les opérations militaires : Overy, Richard. Why The Allies Won. Londres : Cape, 1995 [Pimlico Paperpacks 1996] [B°]. La référence en matière de stratégie semble être : Fuller, (Major-General) J.F.C. The Second World War 1939-1945 : A Strategical and Tactical History. New York : Duell, 1948 [Da Capo 1993]. Le "classique", agrémenté de magnifiques index, reste : Liddell Hart, (Sir) Basil . History of the Second World War. Londres : Cassell, 1970 [Papermac, 1992]. On trouvera d'excellentes références bibliographiques, malheureusement dispersées dans les notes, dans : Deighton, Len. Blood, Tears and Folly : An Objective Look at World War II.  Londres : Cape, 1993 [Pimlico Paperbacks 1995]. En sus de l'histoire officielle de la stratégie de reconquête : Butler, J.R.M. (Editor). History of the Second World War - Military Series : Grand Strategy. 6 vol. Londres : HMSO, 1956-1976, on pourra consulter : Gooch, J. (Editor). The Decisive Campaigns of the Second World War. Londres, 1990. Certains aspects particuliers sont couverts par des ouvrages plus spécialisés :

 La guerre économique

- Einzig, P. Economic Warfare 1939-1940. Londres : Macmillan, 1941.
- Gordon, D.L. & Dangerfield, R. The Hidden Weapon - The Story of Economic Warfare. New York, 1947 (réédition 1976).
- Medlicott, W.N. The Economic Blockade. 2 vol. Londres : HMSO, 1952-59.
- Milward, Alan S. War, Economy and Society 1939-45. Londres : Allan Lane, 1977.

La neutralité irlandaise

- Blake, John W. Northern Ireland in the Second World War. Belfast : HMSO, 1956.
- Brennan, Paul. "The Irish in the War". Revue française de civilisation britannique 9-1 (octobre 1996) : 93-105.
- Carroll, Joseph T. Ireland in the War Years, 1939-1945. Newton Abbot : David & Charles, 1975.
- Carter, Carolle J. "Ireland : America's Neutral Ally, 1939-1941." Eire-Ireland, 12 (été1977).
- Fisk, R. In Time of War : Ireland, Ulster and the Price of Neutrality, 1939-45. Londres, 1983.
- Lunn, Kenneth. " 'Good for a few hundreds at least' : Irish labour recruitment into Britain during the Second World War". Patrick Buckland & John Belchem (Editors). The Irish in British Labour History. Liverpool, 1992.
- Ryle Dwyer, T. Irish Neutrality and the USA, 1939-1947. Dublin, 1977.

El Alamein et la reconquête de la méditerranée

- Beevor, Anthony. Crete. The Battle and the Resistance. Londres : Penguin, 1990.
- Howard, M. The Mediterranean strategy in the Second World War. Londres, 1968.
- Jones, Matthew. Britain, the United States and the Mediterranean War, 1942-44. Londres, 1993.
- Macintyre, D. The Battle for the Mediterranean. Londres, 1968.
- Sainsbury, K. The North African Landings : 1942. Londres, 1976.
- Strawson, J. El Alamein : Desert Victory. Londres, 1981.
-Wilmot, Chester. Tobruk 1941. Londres : Angus & Robertson, 1945.

[Voir également autobiographie et biographies de Montgomery]

La lutte en extrême-orient

- Allen, Louis. Singapore 1941-42. Londres, 1977.
- Allen, Louis. Burma : The Longest War 1941-1945. Londres : Dent, 1984.- Collier, Basil. The War in the Far East. Londres : Sidgwick & Jackson, 1980.
- Falk, Stanley L. Seventy Days to Singapore : The Malayan Campaign 1941-42. Londres : Robert Hale, 1975.
- Haggie, P. Britannia at Bay : The Defence of the British Empire against Japan, 1931-1941. Londres, 1981.
- Louis, W.R. "The road to Singapore : British imperialism in the Far East, 1932-1942". Mommsen, W.J. & Kettenacker, L. (Editors). The Fascist Challenge and the Policy of Appeasement. Londres : Allen & Unwin, 1983.
- Marder, A.J., Jacobsen, M. & Horsfield, J. Old Friends, New Enemies : The Royal Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1942-1945. Oxford : University Press, 1990.
- Percival, E. The War in Malaya. Londres : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1949.
-Thorne, C. The Issue of War : States, Societies and the Far Eastern Conflict of 1941-1945. Londres, 1985.
-Vat, D. van der. The Pacific Campaign.Londres, 1992.

Les bombardements stratégiques contre l'Allemagne

- Harris, (Air Chief Marshal Sir) Arthur. Bomber Offensive.Londres, 1947. [Voir également Bomber Harris à la rubrique Biographies.]
- Hastings, Max. Bomber Command. Londres : Michael Joseph, 1979.
- Irving, D. The Destruction of Dresden. Londres, 1963.
- McKee, A. Dresden 1945 : The Devil's Tinderbox. Londres, 1982.
- Messenger, C. "Bomber" Harris and the Strategic Bombing Offensive 1939-1945. Londres, 1984.
- Middlebrook, Martin & Everitt, Chris. The Bomber Command War Diaries. Londres : Viking, 1985.
- Webster, (Sir) Charles & Frankland, Noble. The Strategic Air Offensive against Germany. 4 vol. Londres : HMSO, 1961.

La guerre secrète : espions, radars et leurres

- Andrew, Christopher. Secret Service : The Making of the British Intelligence Community. Londres : Heinemann, 1985.
- Beesley, P. Very Special Intelligence : The Story of the Admiralty Operational Intelligence Centre 1939-1945. Londres, 1977.
- Bennett, R. Behind the Battle : Intelligence in the War with Germany 1939-1945. Londres, 1994.
- Breuer, W. Hoodwinking Hitler: The Normandy Deception. Westport, 1993.
- Burns, R.W. (Editor). Radar Development to 1945. Londres, 1988.
- Cruikshank, C. Deception in World War II. Londres, 1979.
- Foot, M.R.D. S.O.E. - The Special Operations Executive, 1940-46. Londres : BBC Books, 1988.-Hackmann, W. Seek and Strike. Londres, 1984.
- Hinsley, F.H., Thomas, E.E., Ransom, C.F.G. & Knight, R.C. British Intelligence in the Second World War. 4 vol. Londres : HMSO, 1979-90.
- Howard, (Sir) Michael. Strategic Deception. Londres : HMSO, 1990.
- Howse, D. Radar at Sea : The Royal Navy in World War II. Londres, 1993.
- Johnson, Brian. The Secret War. Londres : BBC Publications, 1978.
- Jones, R.V. Most Secret War : British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945. Londres, 1978.
-Jones, R.V. Reflections on Intelligence. Londres, 1989.
- Kahn, David. Seizing the Enigma. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1991.
- Lewin, Ronald. Ultra Goes To War. Londres : Hutchinson, 1978.
- Masterman, J.J. The Double-Cross System 1939-1945. Londres, 1972.-Schlabrendorff, F. von . The Secret War against Germany. Londres, 1966.
- Welchman, Gordon. The Hut Six Story - Breaking the Enigma Codes. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1982.
- Winterbotham, F.W. The Ultra Secret. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1974.

La campagne finale : 6 juin 1944 - 8 mai 1945

- Ambrose, S.E. D-Day, June 6th 1944 : The Climactic Battle of World War II. Londres, 1994.
- Belchem, D. Victory in Normandy. Londres, 1981.
- Cross, R. VE Day : Victory in Europe. Londres, 1985.
- Deakin, F.W. (Editor). British Political and Military Strategy in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe in 1944. Londres, 1988.
-Ellis, L.F. Victory in the West. 2 vol. Londres, 1962-1968.
- Gilbert, Martin. The Day the War Ended. Londres : HarperCollins, 1995.
- Hastings, Max. Overlord, D-Day and the Battle for Normandy 1944. Londres : Michael Joseph, 1984.
- Miller, R. Nothing Less Than Victory : An Oral History of D-Day. Londres, 1993.

[Sur le châtiment ultérieur des fauteurs de guerre, partir de Tutorow, N. War Crimes, War Criminals and War Crime Trials : An Annotated Bibliography and Source Book. New York, 1986.]

 La recherche scientifique et la guerre

- Crowther, J. G & Whiddington, R. Science at War. Londres : HMSO, 1947.
- Gowing, Margaret. Britain and Atomic Energy 1939-1945. Londres : Macmillan, 1964.
- Groves, L.R. Now It Can Be Told. Londres, 1963.
- Hartcup, G. The Challenge of War : Scientific and Engineering Contributions to World War II. Newton Abbot : David & Charles, 1970.
- Rhodes, Richard. The Making of the Atomic Bomb. Londres, 1986.
- Sherwin, M.J. A World Destroyed : The Atomic Bomb in the Grand Alliance, 1941-45. New York, 1975.
- Szasz, F.M. British Scientists and the Manhattan Project. Londres, 1992.
- Waddington, C.H. Operational Research in World War II. Londres, 1973.

[Citons également ici l'article Scientists at War du Oxford Companion :

"A bibliography of some 200 books and papers up to 1974 can be found appended to the record of a meeting held on 28 March 1974 by the Royal Society in The Effects of the Two World Wars on the Organization and Development of Science in the United Kingdom, published in Proc.R.Soc.Lond.A., 342(1975), pp. 439-586."]

dernière mise à jour 27/02/04

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