"alone" ?

par Antoine Capet


[Ce titre est repris de celui d'un long chapitre des mémoires de Churchill. Voir également : Agar, H. Britain Alone : June 1940-June 1941. Londres : Bodley Head, 1972.]


La bataille pour la survie

la survie alimentaire : la bataille de l'atlantique

- Barnett, Correlli. Engage the Enemy more Closely: The Royal Navy in the Second World War. Londres : Hodder & Stoughton, 1991.
- Behrens, C.B.A. Merchant Shipping and the Demands of War. Londres, 1955.
- Buckley, J. "Air Power in the Battle of the Atlantic". Journal of Contemporary History 28 (1993).
- Compton-Hall, R. The Underwater War 1939-1945. Poole, Dorset, 1982.
- Doughty, M. Merchant Shipping at War. Londres, 1982.
- Elliot, P. Allied Minesweeping in World War Two. Londres, 1979.
- Hough, R. The Longest Battle : The War at Sea. Londres, 1986.
- Hughes, Terry & Costello, John. The Battle of the Atlantic. Londres : Collins, 1977.
- Lane, Tony. The Merchant Seamen's War. Manchester : University Press, 1990.
- Lott, A. Dangerous Sea. New York, 1960.
- Mac Intyre, Donald. The Battle of the Atlantic 1939-1945. Lutterworth, 1970.
- Ministry of Defence (Navy). The U-Boat War in the Atlantic 1939-1945. Londres : HMSO, 1989.-Roskill, S.W. The War at Sea. Londres : HMSO. 3 vol. 1954-1961.
- Sawyer, L & Mitchell, W. The Liberty Ships. Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1970.
- Terraine, J. Business in Great Waters : The U-Boat Wars 1916-1945. Londres, 1989.
- Winston J. Convoys. Londres, 1983

 la survie économique : le prêt-bail

- Cairncross, Alec (Editor). Anglo-American Economic Collaboration in War and Peace 1942-1949. Oxford : University Press, 1982.
- Dobson, A.P. U.S. Wartime Aid to Britain 1940-46. New York, 1986.
- Hall, H.D. North American Supply. Londres : HMSO, 1955.
- Kimball, W.F. 'The Most Unsordid Act' : Lend-Lease 1939-1941. Baltimore, 1969.
-Parker, R.A.C. Struggle for Survival. Oxford : University Press, 1989.
- Stettinius, E.R. Lend-Lease : Weapon For Victory. New York, 1944.

 la survie sous l'occupation allemande : les îles anglo-normandes

Malgré son faible nombre de pages, il semble cependant tout indiqué de commencer par : Briggs, Asa. The Channel Islands : Occupation and Liberation, 1940-1945. Londres : Batsford, 1995, qui, outre une iconographie remarquable, propose une copieuse bibliographie commentée. La même année est paru, plus ambitieux par son volume : Bunting, Madeleine. The Model Occupation : The Channel Islands under German Rule, 1940-45. Londres : HarperCollins, 1995. L'auteur y critique la vision complaisante du "classique", officiellement commandité par les collectivités locales des Iles : Cruikshank, Charles. The German Occupation of the Channel Islands. Londres : Alan Sutton, 1975 [Réédition brochée illustrée, 1993]. Signalons également l'existence d'une bibliographie mise à jour jusqu'à 1975 : Antill, J.K. A Bibliography of the German Occupation of Jersey and Other Channel Islands. Jersey : States Greffe, 1975.

la gestation de nouvelles alliances

l'allié soviétique

- Beaumont, J. Comrades in Arms : British Aid to Russia 1941-1945. Londres, 1980.-Ben Moshe, T. "Winston Churchill and the Second Front : a reappraisal". Journal of Modern History, 1990.
- Bernas, Colette. "Le débat sur l'ouverture du 'second front' pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale". Cahiers d'Encrage, III-2 (1991).
- Coates, W.P. & Z. A History of Anglo-Soviet Relations. Londres, 1944.
- Gorodetsky, G. Stafford Cripps' Mission to Moscow 1940-42. Cambridge : University Press, 1984.
- Godoretsky, G. "The Hess Affair and Anglo-Soviet Relations on the Eve of 'Barbarossa' ". English Historical Review (1986).
- Kitchen, M. British Policy towards the Soviet Union during the Second World War. Londres, 1986.
- Kitchen, M. "Winston Churchill and the Soviet Union during the Second World War". Historical Journal, 1987.
- Lawlor, Sheila. "Britain and the Russian entry into the war". R. Langhorne (Editor). Diplomacy and Intelligence during the Second World War : Essays in Honour of Hinsley. Cambridge : University Press, 1985.
- Ross, K.G.M. "Foreign Office attitudes to the Soviet Union, 1941-1945". Journal of Contemporary History (1981).
- Schofield, B. Arctic Convoys. Londres, 1977.

la "grande alliance"

- anon. The Secret History of World War II : The Ultra-secret Wartime Letters and Cables of Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill. New York, 1986.
- Baylis, J. Anglo-American Defence Relations 1939-80 : The Special Relationship. Londres : Macmillan, 1982.
- Cull, Nicholas John. Selling War : The British Propaganda Campaign against American 'Neutrality' in World War II. Oxford : University Press, 1995.
- Dallek, D. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy 1932-1945. Oxford : University Press, 1979.
- Dimbleby, David & Reynolds, David. An Ocean Apart : The Relationship between Britain and America in the Twentieth Century. Londres, 1988.
- Eggleston, G.T. Roosevelt, Churchill and the World War II Opposition. Old Greenwich, 1979.
- Feis, H. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin : The War They Waged and the Peace They Sought. Princeton, 1957.
- Heinrichs, W. Threshold of War : Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Entry into World War II. Oxford : University Press, 1988.
- Kimball, W. The Juggler : Franklin Roosevelt as Wartime Statesman. Princeton, 1991.-Miner, S.M. Between Churchill and Stalin : The Soviet Union, Great Britain and the Origins of the Grand Alliance. Chapel Hill, 1988.
- Nicholas, H.G. (Editor). Washington Dispatches 1941-45 : Weekly political reports from the British Embassy. Chicago, 1981.
- Reynolds, David. The Creation of the Anglo-American Alliance, 1937-1941. Londres, 1981.
- Reynolds, D., Kimball, W. & Chubarian, A. (Editors). Allies at War : The Soviet, American and British Experience 1939-1945. New York, 1994.
- Stoler, M. The Politics of the Second Front : American military planning and diplomacy in coalition warfare 1941-1943. Westport, 1977.
- Thorne, C. Allies of a Kind : The United States, Britain and the War against Japan 1941-1945. Oxford : University Press, 1978.
- Wilson, T.A. The First Summit : Roosevelt and Churchill at Placentia Bay. Londres, 1979. [Rappelons que c'est là qu'a été signée la Charte Atlantique.]

dernière mise à jour 14/02/04


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