Book Review Editor

Mireille Quivy






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Updated January 2007



Stuart Banner, How the Indians Lost Their Land: Land and Power on the Frontier (Cambridge, Mass. & London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005)—Malie Montagutelli, Université Paris III

W. Fitzhugh Brundage, The Southern Past: A Clash of Race and Memory (Cambridge, Massachusetts, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005)—Jennifer Kilgore, Université de Caen

Timothy Corrigan and Patricia White, The Film Experience: An Introduction (Boston: Bedford/St.Martin’s, 2004)—Trudy Bolter, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux

Bernard Donoughue, The Heat of the Kitchen. An Autobiography (London: Politico’s, 2004)—Richard Davis, Université Charles de Gaulle (Lille III)

Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (London: Hamish Hamilton, 2005)—Jim Friel

Claire Hancock, Paris et Londres au XIXe siècle, Représentations dans les guides et récits de voyage (Paris : CNRS Editions, 2003)—Jacques Carré, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne

Darrious D. Hilmon, Divalicious (New York: New American Library, 2004)—Gerardo Del Guercio, Independent Researcher

Henry Hitchings, Dr. Johnson’s Dictionary: The Extraordinary Story of the Book that Defined the World (London: John Murray, 2005)—Diana Dominguez, The University of Texas-Brownsville/Texas Southmost College

Masahiro Hori, Investigating Dickens’ Style: A Collocational Analysis (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004)—Jacqueline Fromonot, Université Paris VIII Saint-Denis

William Henry Ireland, L’Abesse, Élizabeth Durot-Boucé ed. (Lettres & Langues, Lettres Modernes, Éditions Publibook, Paris, 2006)—Pierre Morère, P.U. émérite, Grenoble 3

Maurice S. Lee, Slavery, Philosophy, and American Literature, 1830-1860 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005)—Donald P. Gagnon, Western Connecticut State University

Andrew McKeown & Charles Holdefer, eds., Philip Larkin and the Poetics of Resistance (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2006)—Stephen Sossaman, Westfield State College

Richard D. North, Mr Blair’s Messiah Politics: or what happened when Bambi tried to save the world (London: Social Affairs Unit, 2006)—Bill Jones, University of Manchester

Harold Pinter, Various Voices: Prose, Poetry, Politics 1948-2005 (London: Faber and Faber, 2005)—Marylin Mell, Dillard University

Jerry Rosco, Glenway Wescott Personally: a Biography (Madison; The University of Wisconsin Press, 2002)—Jim Friel